2675 Results

Breaking barriers: the CSO/CCM Diversity Fellowship program

March 9, 2020

The CSO/CCM Diversity Fellowship program provides an immersion into the professional world they all aspire to and the chance to be mentored by some of the best string players in the country. This extraordinary opportunity, funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, is also about removing the barriers that have previously prevented amazing musicians such as the current class of Diversity Fellows from achieving their dreams. Launched in 2015, the program has accepted four classes of Fellows and will welcome a fifth class in fall 2020.


UC student combines cosmetic research and healthcare advocacy

March 9, 2020

UC student Thanhthao Nguyen serves as president of the UC chapter of the Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers. A primary goal of the group is to “prepare Asian heritage scientists and engineers for success in the global business world.”


UC launches Choose Ohio First mentorship program

March 10, 2020

UC's Choose Ohio First mentoring initiative seeks to empower Ohio’s STEMM talent pipeline and connect scholars with opportunities within Ohio to find gainful employment in STEMM fields.