3376 Results

Hong Kong to UC to New York City

July 24, 2020

Mark Woo came to Cincinnati from Hong Kong when he was 17 years old. Now, he is set to graduate from UC next May with both bachelor's and master's degrees in architectural engineering.


Arts for all: CCM offers mix of online, in-person electives in fall 2020

July 23, 2020

UC’s College-Conservatory of Music offers dozens of different general studies and arts elective courses in fall 2020. These credit-granting courses are open to all UC students and cover a wide range of topics including dance, movies and media, music and theatre arts! Course offerings include options for in-person and online instruction.


UC Answers: How do I nail a virtual interview?

September 28, 2020

Ellie Bridges helps students plan for life after graduation as director of the University of Cincinnati’s Bearcat Promise Career Studio, a program that prepares students throughout the entire career development process, including searching, applying and interviewing for co-ops, internships and jobs. With a prevalence of more virtual interviews than ever before, Bridges offers tips on how to make a great impression even through a screen.


UC Answers: How do I hone digital skills during COVID?

September 18, 2020

COVID-19 accelerated the digital transformation and made industry-recognized credentials even more essential job-seeking tools. UC helps students and workers upskill to stay competitive in an evolving job market.