8118 Results

WVXU: Tech CEOs talk AI with lawmakers

September 22, 2023

Professor Richard Harknett is a guest speaker on WVXU's Cincinnati Edition on the topic of AI and the need, or lack thereof, for government regulations. Professor Harknett is the head of UC's School of Public and International Affairs and is an often sought out media resource on technology, cybersecurity and governmental affairs.


The Washington Post: Marjorie Taylor Greene isn’t the only politician to be a swatting target

January 3, 2024

When the SWAT team arrives at your door it means there is serious trouble inside, unless the call is fake. "SWATing" or calling the police on innocent victims has seen an uptick in the past few years, with calls mostly targeting celebrities and politicians. Cybersecurity expert Gregory Winger says the increase is a way criminals have found to weaponize the very police force meant to protect.


WVXU: Congressman Brad Wenstrup on why he's not seeking reelection

January 12, 2024

Political scientist David Niven teaches American politics and conducts research on campaigns, political communication and death penalty policy. He is often a guest speaker on WVXU's Cincinnati Edition covering Ohio politics. In this segment, he discusses the departure of Brad Wenstrup from Congress, an office Wenstrup held for five decades.


Cincinnati.com: The tale of Ohio's only known witch trial

October 31, 2023

UC's Janine Hartman, a professor of history, explains how opinions around witches and witchcraft have changed from the 20th century to today. Hartman teaches a class titled Witches and Witchcraft and cites the Ohio Witch Trial as an example of misplaced blame on the supernatural.


The Independent: This man has been swatted 47 times for making a joke

February 14, 2024

A seemingly harmless take on Twitter turned into an years-long campaign of harassment, death threats and dozens of ‘swatting’ attacks on an individual. An arrest has been made, but swatting needs to be taken more seriously, says UC cybersecurity expert Gregory Winger, an assistant professor in the School of Public and International Affairs.