8117 Results

Psychology Today: Why Do People With Anxiety Love Halloween?

November 1, 2022

UC Department of English faculty Gary Vaughn cited as an expert in Psychology Today for an article on why people with anxiety love Halloween. The article gives seven reasons for this theory, with Vaughn speaking to modern horror stories.


WCPO: Higher education bill introduced in Ohio

March 22, 2023

A proposed Ohio senate bill is viewed as a complete overhaul of higher education, according to media. Legislation is not typically as all encompassing as this bill, says David Niven, an associate professor of public and international affairs.


March is a month associated with both good and bad luck

March 20, 2023

The month of March holds space for both St. Patrick's Day and The Ides of March. These two events are associated with both good and bad luck, as explained by Rebecca Borah who researches popular culture and the traditions associated with myths, legends, lore and truths.


Cincinnati Edition: U.S. joins a growing number of governments moving toward banning TikTok

March 24, 2023

TikTok has 1.5 million users in the United States, and is currently under review by the U.S. congress. The Chinese company has been accused of aggregating data for nefarious purposes, as it is ultimately controlled by the Chinese Communist Party. Cyber security expert Richard Harknett was a guest speaker on "Cincinnati Edition" to discuss measures that might be, or should be, taken to protect Americans privacy and national security


Yahoo News: Local experts give thoughts on the objects shot down from sky

February 14, 2023

What's flying overhead has U.S. citizens perplexed, as the U.S. government keeps information about the spy balloon and other objects that were shot down close to the cuff. Two political scientists at UC's School of Public and International Affairs say that you can't show your cards when it comes to cyber capabilities.