8728 Results

Washington Post: A tote bag is the latest must-have product

March 12, 2024

The latest “it” product that’s captured the public’s attention is a $2.99 tote bag from grocery store chain Trader Joe’s, according to the Washington Post, which turned to a University of Cincinnati professor to explain the phenomenon.


Wall Street Journal: Inside the fight against school vaping

March 11, 2024

High schools are cracking down on vaping on campus, says and article in The Wall Street Journal. These efforts are based out of concern for growth and brain development, as mounting evidence shows the harms of vaping, according UC tobacco and addiction expert Ashley Merianos who is cited in the article.


CCM alumna wins second prize at Felix Mendelssohn International Conducting Competition

March 11, 2024

The University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music (CCM) alumna Chaowen Ting (MM Orchestral Conducting, ‘11) recently won second prize at the Felix Mendelssohn Conducting Competition. Held annually Karlovy Vary, in the Czech Republic, the Mendelssohn Competition draws talent from all over the world, and past awardees hold posts at major symphonies and operas in Europe, America and Asia.