Jacksonville media: New stroke research aims to help predict recovery

Researchers at the University of Cincinnati are leading a new large-scale multicenter study that will study if certain biomarkers can predict the likelihood that a patient will recover motor functions following a stroke.

Jacksonville, Florida television news station News4Jax recently highlighted the research, led by UC's Pooja Khatri, MD, and Achala Vagal, MD.

“Our preliminary studies suggests that they’re very good at predicting who will recover their strength, specifically in their arm" after a stroke, Khatri said.

The research team will test for biomarkers through transcranial stimulation and MRI.

“What we are really interested is in understanding where is the stroke or that dead brain tissue,” Vagal said.

Watch the News4Jax story.

Read more about the research.

Featured photo at top of Dr. Khatri and Dr. Vagal looking at brain scans. Photo/Ravenna Rutledge/University of Cincinnati.

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