12120 Results

New UC collaboration focuses on senses

May 25, 2021

The University of Cincinnati has launched a new institute to study sensing in all its forms, from human and animal senses to the sensor technologies that enable our modern lifestyles and provide medical care.


Psychedelics face corrupting influence of financial interests

September 22, 2022

Psychedelics such as magic mushrooms offer promise for addressing addiction, post-traumatic stress and other difficult-to-treat conditions. But University of Cincinnati postdoctoral researcher Neşe Devenot says the field is fraught with ethical concerns and financial interests.


How to give a hippo an ultrasound

May 26, 2022

University of Cincinnati master's student Julie Barnes works as a veterinarian at the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden where she recently performed an ultrasound on a hippo.


Psychedelic research renaissance

August 16, 2022

Psychedelics such as LSD, psilocybin and MDMA are gaining increasing attention in scientific and medical circles because of the potential they hold for treating anxiety disorders and emotional trauma. UC's Nese Devenot explains why psychedelics are seeing a research renaissance.


When push comes to shove, what is a fight?

January 25, 2021

University of Cincinnati biologists come up with novel way for deciding how to categorize similar animal behaviors. The results could help streamline animal behavior research.