Local 12, WCPO highlight brain tumor vaccine trial

Local television stations Local 12 and WCPO recently highlighted the Imvax trial that will test a personalized immunotherapy approach designed to work similarly to a vaccine by training the immune system to fight glioblastomas, a deadly brain tumor. 

The University of Cincinnati is a study site for the new Phase 2b clinical trial, and Soma Sengupta, MD, PhD, is the site principal investigator.

In the trial, glioblastoma patients will have their tumors removed, and then their tumor cells will be combined with a novel drug to create a personalized vaccine. The combination is then inserted into the patients' abdomens, allowing the immune system to train to fight the tumor cells.

"The patient is making their own antibodies, and their own immune system is working to try and beat this cancer," Sengupta told Local 12.

Watch the Local 12 story.

Read the WCPO story.

Read more about the trial.

Featured photo at top of glioblastoma cells in culture courtesy of National Cancer Institute.

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