6305 Results

Earth.com: Sleep-deprived mosquitoes are less interested in food

June 8, 2022

Earth.com highlights biology research by the University of Cincinnati that found tired mosquitoes were more interested in sleep than food. By understanding mosquitoes' circadian rhythms, researchers hope to find effective, nontoxic means of preventing mosquito-borne infection.


Consumer Affairs: Omicron hit rural America harder than cities

June 22, 2022

Consumer Affairs highlights a new study by the University of Cincinnati that found the omicron variant of COVID-19 hit rural areas of the United States harder than highly populated cities. The study found higher rates of mortality in counties where vaccinations for COVID-19 are lagging.


WCPO: P.G. Sittenfeld trial

June 22, 2022

The trial of Cincinnati City Councilman P.G. Sittenfeld has the potential to upend politics as usual, says UC's David Niven.


Fox19: UC contributes to search for life on Mars

June 24, 2022

UC College of Arts and Sciences associate professor Andy Czaja and his students are on NASA's science team using the Perseverance rover and Ingenuity helicopter to look for evidence of ancient life on Mars.