1018 Results

Study uncovers clues to COVID-19 using MRI, CT

March 12, 2021

For the first time, a visual correlation has been found between the severity of COVID-19 in the lungs using CT scans and the severity of effects on patient’s brains, using MRI scans, according to a new UC study.


Transformative tech

March 15, 2021

Victor Shtrom (CEAS ’90, PhD ’96) is the first to admit that he was in the right place at the right time. “I got lucky,” he says.


UC launches Space Research Institute

March 5, 2021

The University of Cincinnati has launched the interdisciplinary Space Research Institute for Discovery and Exploration as part of Research2030, UC’s 10-year strategic plan for research.


A new co-driver in breast cancer

March 9, 2021

University of Cincinnati researchers have discovered that cooperation between two key genes drive cancer growth, spread and treatment resistance in one particularly aggressive type of breast cancer. The good news is, though, with this knowledge, they can continue to aim their targeted treatments at these genes, singularly and together, to stop breast cancer in its tracks.


Local 12: Pregnancy and addiction

March 8, 2021

Local 12 reports on a new study that could give pregnant women with addiction a new tool to deliver a healthy baby. Christine Wilder, MD, is interviewed.


Science Magazine: Africans research own genomes

February 9, 2021

Tesfaye Mersha, a geneticist at the University of Cincinnati and Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, says including African populations in genetics research is paving the way for a better understanding of the links between disease and genes in everyone, everywhere, because Africa holds more genomic diversity than any other continent.


For good health, trust your gut

March 18, 2021

University of Cincinnati assistant professor Ashley Ross studying communication between the brain and lymph nodes in your gut to understand our immune response.