7142 Results

Student's Efforts 'Pay Off' for McMicken

July 6, 2004

Sophomore psychology major, Christy Searcy, became an all-star fundraiser for the university last year by raising $109,100 as a student advocate with the UC Telefund.


Geography's Hinkel Named To Arctic Research Commission

July 6, 2004

The U.S. Arctic Research Commission has appointed Ken Hinkel, UC professor of geography, to its task force consisting of scientists and engineers charged with identifying key issues and research needs to foster greater understanding of global change impacts on permafrost in the Arctic and their importance to natural and human systems.


Q&A: English's Brock Clarke Discusses His Book Award

July 6, 2004

Brockway Clarke, assistant professor of English and fiction editor of The Cincinnati Review is the recipient of the 2004 Prairie Schooner Book Series Prize for Carrying the Torch, which will be published by the University of Nebraska Press in 2005.


Eckart To Become Engineering's Interim Dean

July 6, 2004

Anthony J. Perzigian, Senior Vice President and Provost, has announced the appointment of Roy Eckart, Senior Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies, as Interim Dean of the College of Engineering beginning Sept. 1.