190 Results

Focus on employee wellness to increase work readiness

October 10, 2023

Employees who struggle physically, financially, or emotionally are less likely to be engaged, take more sick days, spend more work time focused on personal issues, have higher medical costs and have higher turnover rates.


Your financial advisor: A key succession planning partner

October 10, 2023

Many business owners have spent years building wealth within their companies by intently focusing on maintaining happy employees and growing their businesses. Often, that means neglecting some of the most critical issues at hand — planning for a future business succession and their own retirement needs.


Philanthropy as an employee attraction and retention strategy

January 18, 2023

Whether you call it “The Great Resignation” or “The Great Rehiring” or avoid referring to it at all, everyone can agree that companies are having a tough time recruiting, hiring and retaining talent in today’s job market. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported in October 2022 that the number of unemployed persons per job opening was less than one at a meager 0.6, a stark contrast to the 4.9 unemployed persons per job opening in April 2020. With competition remaining high in 2023, it will be more important than ever for employers to keep their current and newly hired employees on the payroll.


IRA Updates to the Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC)

January 18, 2023

Among the Inflation Reduction Act’s expansions to existing tax credit opportunities are those that promote the adoption of solar energy systems. The IRA extends the provisions of the Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) so residential homeowners who install designated solar energy systems between January 1, 2022, through the end of 2032, will receive a tax credit of 30% of the cost from their federal income taxes.


Family business – ‘the quiet giant’ – gets leadership voice on capitol hill with new congressional caucus

February 3, 2023

You might call family businesses in America the “Quiet Giant.” “Quiet” because up until recently, the family business sector did not have a dedicated seat at the table in Congress. “Giant” because America’s family-owned businesses are the foundation of the US economy, contributing nearly 60% of the country’s private employment, accounting for 78% of new job creation, and representing $7.7 trillion per year to GDP.


You can't take it with you, so make sure it gets to those you love

February 3, 2023

You’ve devoted your best years to growing your business and accumulating wealth, which you hope to enjoy in your next chapter and eventually bless your loved ones or favorite charities. You also want to ensure that this wealth gets distributed according to your wishes instead of getting consumed by taxes both now and after your death. To accomplish this, there are things that you can and should do now.


Strategies for Small Businesses Considering Expansion

February 3, 2023

There are so many great things about being a small business: the close-knit working environment, contributing to your local economy, seeing your vision come to life and thrive. The ultimate goal – of course – is to grow into a bigger venture, whether it means buying commercial land to build on or leasing local office space to grow into. You need to have the right small business growth strategies in place if you want your business to expand in a stable way; strategies that will set you up for long-lasting success and take your bottom line into consideration.


Crescent: Putting people first pays off in promising future

September 9, 2022

Over the course of its 170-year history, premier contract packaging and parts fulfillment company Crescent has prioritized its people. That focus hasn’t wavered, and under the guidance and leadership of fifth generation owner and founder Chris Taylor, Crescent’s people have made an art form out of living its cultural values of “Do it Right, Do it Safe, and Do it Well,” propelling Crescent to new heights in the process.