7263 Results

How psychiatrists can improve transgender care

May 15, 2023

University of Cincinnati’s Melanie Thomas-Castillo, PsyD, and Stephen Rush, MD, recently published commentary on how psychiatrists can work to create a supportive environment for transgender and gender diverse patients in the journal Current Psychiatry.


UP-NEXT study tests ovarian cancer treatment

March 21, 2023

Amanda Jackson, MD, is the site principal investigator at the University of Cincinnati for the UP-NEXT trial that is testing a new treatment for a subset of ovarian cancer patients.


WLWT: A change in mammography standards could help save lives

March 23, 2023

The University of Cincinnati's Erich J. Boomgarden, MD, provided expert analysis of a new Food and Drug Administration policy that will require health care providers to tell women if they have dense breast tissue, a change that could save lives.