3777 Results

Ambassador Honors UC Intern in Switzerland

May 21, 2003

An internship overseas in the U.S. embassy in Switzerland has been a rewarding experience for master's student Catherine Elkin. She received an award from U.S. Ambassador Mercer Reynolds.


UC in Crete: Blazing New Trail for Backwaters-Turned-Boomtowns

October 1, 2003

Towns in Crete were once backwaters for Greece's annual flood of 10 million tourists. Now, the island's once-traditional communities are tourist boomtowns being loved to death. The cure: a University of Cincinnati applied research team that is just back from its fourth summer dedicated to changing the face and pace of tourism.


An Educational Odyssey: Troy Goes Virtual Thanks to UC Architect

April 4, 2004

Hollywood s May release of Troy will, no doubt, hype the romance to be found in the Homeric epic, the Illiad. But the compelling reality of Troy has been enough to grip University of Cincinnati researchers, one of whom will be building a digital Troy, funded by a just-received National Endowment for the Humanities grant for $182,000 outright with the possibility of receiving an additional $7,500 from the NEH if a matching $7,500 grant can be found.