9414 Results

USA Today: Vitamin D and COVID-19

June 15, 2020

Tamara Ward, a specialist in oncology nutrition at the University of Cincinnati Cancer Center, discusses nutrition and the immune system in this USA Today article.


WCPO: Post-COVID anxiety

November 12, 2020

A UC expert discusses a new study from the University of Oxford that shows around 20% of COVID-19 survivors are struggling with mental health issues after recovering from the disease.


WVXU: HEPA purifiers for indoor gatherings could prevent COVID-19 infections

June 21, 2021

University of Cincinnati ear, nose and throat expert Ahmad Sedaghat, MD, PhD, says investing in an HEPA air purifier might be a good idea as residents open their homes to gatherings as COVID-19 restrictions ease. Air purifiers with HEPA filters can be used as a very effective means to decontaminate the air above and beyond what many HVAC systems may offer, says Sedaghat, director of the UC Division of Rhinology, Allergy and Anterior Skull Base Surgery.


Cincinnati Enquirer: COVID-19 vaccine becomes Cupid's helper

June 11, 2021

After months of isolation, getting back out there may be hard for some people, said Dr. Caleb Adler, professor of psychiatry and behavioral neuroscience at the University of Cincinnati. There's a sense of natural anxiety that comes with being out of the dating game for a while – especially when the apps are put to the side.


CNBC: 'Off brand' vaccines for kids

August 27, 2021

The school year rapidly approaches amid a surge in pediatric COVID-19 hospitalizations, and parents desperately want to know: When can young children get the vaccine? UC's Carl Fichtenbaum weighs in.


UPI: Study: Food texture fills in during loss of smell, taste after COVID-19

October 28, 2021

The UPI posted a story about research led by Katie Phillips, MD, assistant professor in the Department of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery at the UC College of Medicine on coping mechanisms for people who have had a diminished or lost sense of smell from COVID-19. Two of the common adaptations among patients she saw at her clinic were incorporating texture and temperature into their food and drink.


Cincinnati.com: COVID-19 in Ohio: What we know so far about the newest 'variant of concern,' called omicron

November 29, 2021

Over the Thanksgiving weekend, the World Health Organization gave the name omicron to the newest identified version of SARS-CoV-2 and called it a variant of concern. There is still much to be learned about this latest variant and how potentially dangerous it is. In a story on the variant, Cincinnati.com interview Carl Fichtenbaum, MD, of the Division of Infectious Diseases at the UC College of Medicine.


WVXU: Recounting the similarities between the 1918 influenza pandemic and coronavirus

March 9, 2022

COVID-19 first entered the public consciousness about two years ago. It drew a lot of comparisons to another pandemic just over a hundred years earlier. WVXU interviewed Carl Fichtenbaum, MD, of the Division of Infectious Diseases at the UC College of Medicine to learn more about how the COVID-19 outbreak compares with the 1918 influenza outbreak.