3975 Results

Hong Kong to UC to New York City

July 24, 2020

Mark Woo came to Cincinnati from Hong Kong when he was 17 years old. Now, he is set to graduate from UC next May with both bachelor's and master's degrees in architectural engineering.


Lessons in love

September 6, 2019

The nonprofit Village Life Outreach Project has sent hundreds of volunteers from UC to three remote villages in East Africa since it started 15 years ago, an effort that has deeply impacted countless lives on both sides of the world.


Greetings, grace and gratitude

July 25, 2023

A team of UC students, faculty, staff and supporters traveled to East Africa for a service-learning trip across three villages in Tanzania. They returned to campus with a transformational cultural experience and lessons that last a lifetime.


Advice to new UC students: Get involved

August 16, 2023

UC student leaders, Taylor Morgan and Vu Pham, offer advice to incoming Bearcats. Morgan is this year's student body president while Pham is the student body vice president. Both are studying majors in the College of Engineering and Applied Science.


UC engineering co-op medalist is company's first in Portugal

April 12, 2023

Vladimir Miskovic began playing American football as a high-schooler— which was not a popular activity in his home country of Serbia — and the sport led him to the United States. He moved to Cleveland to play football and, after graduating high school, decided to pursue higher education in mechanical engineering at the University of Cincinnati. Miskovic received the 2023 Herman Schneider Medal, an annual award given to a graduating senior in the College of Engineering and Applied Science who demonstrates exceptional work as a co-op student.


Aerospace engineer named graduate student of the month

May 4, 2023

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, aerospace engineering graduate student Harpreet Singh Chhabra had to complete his first semester at the University of Cincinnati online while he was still in India. He hit the ground running when he arrived on campus — he was elected treasurer of the Aerospace Engineering Graduate Student Association, served as a teaching assistant for several aerospace courses and was named Graduate Student Engineer of the Month by UC's College of Engineering and Applied Science.