190 Results

Philanthropy as an employee attraction and retention strategy

January 18, 2023

Whether you call it “The Great Resignation” or “The Great Rehiring” or avoid referring to it at all, everyone can agree that companies are having a tough time recruiting, hiring and retaining talent in today’s job market. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported in October 2022 that the number of unemployed persons per job opening was less than one at a meager 0.6, a stark contrast to the 4.9 unemployed persons per job opening in April 2020. With competition remaining high in 2023, it will be more important than ever for employers to keep their current and newly hired employees on the payroll.


IRA Updates to the Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC)

January 18, 2023

Among the Inflation Reduction Act’s expansions to existing tax credit opportunities are those that promote the adoption of solar energy systems. The IRA extends the provisions of the Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) so residential homeowners who install designated solar energy systems between January 1, 2022, through the end of 2032, will receive a tax credit of 30% of the cost from their federal income taxes.


I want to improve my company culture — Where do I start?

December 5, 2022

As a Certified EOS Implementer and CPA, I work with leadership teams in companies of all sizes to improve their business operations, and that begins with a strong company culture. Think of your company culture in the same way you would think of your company’s personality. It’s the underlying current of energy that makes your business a fun, interesting, engaging, or, even occasionally, a not-so-great place to work. Company culture is built from many elements: mission, vision, strategic plan, career development, office culture, and company ethics, to name only a few.


Tips for Updating Your Business Plan

December 2, 2022

In the last year, businesses have navigated inflation, labor challenges, supply chain disruptions, and economic uncertainty. You have undoubtedly learned a lot about business planning and resilience. With the end of the year approaching, you may be spending time reflecting on this experience and how it applies to the future of your business.


A new reporting requirement: the Corporate Transparency Act’s impact on business owners

November 4, 2022

A shell company is a company without active business operations or significant assets. Shell companies have been used for a myriad of purposes for years throughout the world. Whether used for security reasons, liability or estate planning purposes, as holding companies, or as tax havens – shell and front companies are widespread in the global economy and frequently used to shield or distance ownership identity. In many parts of the world, shell companies are legal. Their use for illegal purposes, such as tax evasion, fraud, and evasion of international sanctions, has received increased scrutiny of late.


How companies manage supply chains during inflation

November 4, 2022

Chaotic supply chains are significantly disrupting America’s midsize businesses, which often are not in a position to fall back on vertical integration or hefty inventories to cushion the impact.


For family businesses, staying silent on taxes is not an option

November 4, 2022

It could be a drug store company, a lumber yard, or a farm. They all know one day this family livelihood, often multi-generational, will likely have to be sold and vanish forever. Why? It’s an old story, but it usually comes down to death and taxes. Selling is often the only logical answer. Research shows family enterprises make up $7.7 trillion of our annual GDP and represents 59% of the country’s private workforce. Family businesses in America consist of 23.7% in manufacturing, 10.4% in construction/facilities, and 9.75 percent in real estate.