1436 Results

Spring cleaning for your business finances

June 7, 2023

The spring season is a great time to check on your business’ financial health, see how you are tracking against your goals, and identify ways to increase your bottom line


Important legacy planning considerations

June 7, 2023

The concept of legacy planning can mean many things to many people. Today I’ll shed some light on some of the less discussed items that are more prevalent in this day and age, but not often discussed


UC students visit Ghana and learn how engineering crosses cultures

May 30, 2023

Each year, the University of Cincinnati sends more than 1,000 students to countries around the world. Over spring break, UC international facilitated a trip for 13 students — 11 from the College of Engineering and Applied Science (CEAS) one from the Lindner College of Business and one from the School of Information Technology — to explore Ghana, be immersed in the culture and venture outside of their comfort zones. Students were led by Cedrick Kwuimy and co-led by Nora Honken, faculty in UC's Department of Engineering and Computing Education.


UC student reveals insight into pandemic’s effects on nonprofits

May 24, 2023

Analysis conducted by a University of Cincinnati economics and marketing student has provided a better understanding of the COVID-19 pandemic’s effects on the nonprofit industry. Annie Hugenberg, Carl H. Lindner College of Business senior and Kautz-Uible Amanda Wait Research Fellow, spent the past semester conducting an in-depth analysis of the economic landscape of Cincinnati’s nonprofit sector, culminating with her presentation at the first-ever installment of Better Together — a workshop series for the local nonprofit community made possible by OneSource Center for Nonprofit Excellence, the Leadership Council for Nonprofits, the Cincinnati chapter of the Association for Fundraising Professionals, Interact for Health, and Pro Bono Partnership of Ohio.


Lindner to launch universal co-op program

May 23, 2023

Beginning in fall 2023, the Carl H. Lindner College of Business will roll out a new universal co-op program. Once implemented through a phased approach, all undergraduate students will be required to complete a baseline of two co-ops, with the minimum number of experiences needed depending on the students' specific circumstances.