5373 Results

Cybersecurity expert arms the next generation

January 26, 2021

University of Cincinnati faculty member Coleman Kane blends research and industry to prepare the next generation of cybersecurity experts, create innovative digital security solutions and strengthen the local cyber workforce.


UC adds cybersecurity engineering degree

December 15, 2021

The University of Cincinnati College of Engineering and Applied Science introduced a new bachelor’s of science degree in cybersecurity engineering; the first cohort of students joined in the fall of 2021. The program complements UC’s various initiatives during the last five years to meet the quickly expanding need for a capable cybersecurity workforce. Cybersecurity jobs are expected to grow by 30 percent in the next 10 years.


Traffic of tomorrow

June 10, 2020

More driverless cars. More networked roads. More naps. UC is helping change how we drive.


GE to invest $5M on next generation of Cincinnati engineers

October 13, 2021

GE will partner with UC to launch Next Engineers, a program to boost diversity among young engineers by reaching out to Cincinnati-area students ages 13 to 18. GE will invest $5 million locally as part of a $100 million commitment to improve opportunities in engineering for underrepresented groups around the world.


UC Answers: How do I hone digital skills during COVID?

September 18, 2020

COVID-19 accelerated the digital transformation and made industry-recognized credentials even more essential job-seeking tools. UC helps students and workers upskill to stay competitive in an evolving job market.