2841 Results

New international program tackles artificial intelligence skills shortage

July 20, 2022

The University of Cincinnati College of Engineering and Applied Science and Coventry University in the UK have partnered to offer an international master's program in artificial intelligence to help address a global skills shortage in AI. Students will be able to complete different parts of the program at both UC and at Coventry University.


UC partners with French university to offer dual degree

June 21, 2023

The University of Cincinnati and the University of Bordeaux renewed the collaborative Aero System Operations graduate degree program between the universities. The extension was announced at the 54th annual Paris-Le Bourget International Aeronautics and Space Show.


Students can earn two degrees in one year in France and at UC

February 2, 2024

After spending five years as a Bearcat earning an undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering technology, Will Mnich decided to continue at the University of Cincinnati to earn not one, but two additional degrees in the aerospace engineering field. Mnich is a student in the Aero-Systems Operations (AESOP) dual degree program.


Aerospace engineer named graduate student of the month

May 4, 2023

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, aerospace engineering graduate student Harpreet Singh Chhabra had to complete his first semester at the University of Cincinnati online while he was still in India. He hit the ground running when he arrived on campus — he was elected treasurer of the Aerospace Engineering Graduate Student Association, served as a teaching assistant for several aerospace courses and was named Graduate Student Engineer of the Month by UC's College of Engineering and Applied Science.