2616 Results

DAAP alumna creates custom stuffed animals for homeless children

September 4, 2020

Macy Meyer was researching homelessness in Cincinnati when she saw a void that she was well-positioned to fill. Young children in shelters did not always have access to creative outlets, and some lacked a special possession – soft and huggable – that provided a sense of security and could accompany them to their next destination. And the ones after that.


UC Answers: How do I nail a virtual interview?

September 28, 2020

Ellie Bridges helps students plan for life after graduation as director of the University of Cincinnati’s Bearcat Promise Career Studio, a program that prepares students throughout the entire career development process, including searching, applying and interviewing for co-ops, internships and jobs. With a prevalence of more virtual interviews than ever before, Bridges offers tips on how to make a great impression even through a screen.


When art reflects life

September 16, 2020

With performance halls closed because of the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing requirements, Sarah Hutchings (CCM '13) is feeling like musicians everywhere: homebound.


New issue of NEXT: Gamechangers @UofCincy

October 26, 2020

The Fall 2020 issue of NEXT, President's Report on the University of Cincinnati showcases familiar ways that UC alumni, faculty, staff and students have made an impact through their inventiveness and creativity.


My #UCFirstGen Story: Brittany Rice, A&S ‘22

October 30, 2020

Brittany Rice is a student in the University of Cincinnati’s College of Arts and Sciences, studying biological sciences and environmental studies. As a first-generation college student, Brittany is the first in her family to attend college.