America's ‘Wild West’ $8bn vape industry

Tobacco addiction expert Ashley Merianos speaks to media on topic of new vape studies

Ashley Merianos, PhD, an associate professor of human services, is a featured expert in a Daily Mail article on vape use that has been syndicated across multiple media outlets, including 

headshot of Ashley Merianos

Ashley Merianos is an associate professor in UC's School of Human Services and a research affiliate member of Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center and the Thirdhand Smoke Research Consortium. Photo/UC Marketing + Brand

The article points to a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found there were over 7 million more e-cigarette products sold in America in December 2022 compared to 15.5 million in January 2020 (a rise of nearly 47 percent).

Studies also contrast vape use and nicotine levels of vape products in the U.S. to other countries. In the U.S. both are higher, without regulation, than in other countries which can increase the likelihood of addiction.   

'I am optimistic that decreasing nicotine levels can reduce the likelihood that teens will become addicted to vaping products and will decrease the likelihood that they will initiate the use of other tobacco products such as combustible cigarettes,” says Merianos.   

Read the article 


Featured image at top courtesy of Unsplash/VapeClubMy 

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