6173 Results

Local 12: How COVID-19 vaccines keep you from getting sick

August 4, 2021

Local 12 reporter Liz Bonis spoke with Shimul Shah, MD, and other Tristate physicians about whether there is still a need for vaccinations as breakthrough cases of COVID-19 affect vaccinated residents. Shah is a professor of surgery and division chief of transplantation in the UC College of Medicine.


Local 12 News: COVID booster shots, who needs them and why?

August 13, 2021

The FDA is now allowing a third dose of the vaccine in transplant patients and those who have compromised immunity to protect against COVID-19. UC transplant surgeon Steve Woodle, MD, spoke with Local 12 News about the new move from the federal government.


Transplant patients may not need steroid treatment in the long run

February 23, 2021

E. Steve Woodle, MD, professor of surgery at the University of Cincinnati, authored a study that shows that 15 years after transplantation no difference in kidney transplant survival or patient survival rates were found between kidney transplant patients who received long-term corticosteroids versus those who had corticosteroid eliminated early.


UC installs bleeding control kits

May 20, 2019

Bleeding control kits are being installed at UC Medical Center and other UC Health locations as part of the Stop the Bleed campaign.