7450 Results

Medscape: Is collecting long-term cancer follow-up data worth it?

November 5, 2021

Tammy Holm, MD, Phd, assistant professor of clinical surgery at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine was interviewed for a story in Medscape on whether or not it's worth the effort to follow cancer patients over many years to catch tumors that recur, improve outcomes, even reveal important trends. Those long-term cancer follow-ups require extensive human resources and will inevitably decrease over time.


WVXU: UC Health first in region to use spray on skin for burn patients

November 9, 2021

Spray on skin, called RECELL, is now approved for both adults and children, sparing them the unnecessary pain of dozens of skin grafts. UC Health says it’s the first in the region to use the technology made by Avita. WVXU published a story on the spray, quoting Julia Slater, MD, assistant professor in the Department of Surgery at the UC College of Medicine.


WebMD: The science of horror response

October 12, 2021

WebMD featured UC Assistant Professor of Psychiatry Shana Feibel in an article exploring the science behind why some people love scary movies and others can't even think about watching them.