2663 Results

Global Technical Workforce course: Nine years, 11 study tours

May 11, 2023

This spring's Global Technical Workforce course in the University of Cincinnati's College of Engineering and Applied Science offered students in technical fields a chance to work virtually with a class of French students and travel to France or Ghana to build career "soft skills" that complement their technical skills.


Mechanical engineering student saw how graduate school can open doors

July 27, 2023

Bennett Breese, mechanical engineering student at the University of Cincinnati, did not plan on going to graduate school. While he was an undergraduate student, he attended a conference held by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics and his plan changed. Breese was chosen as Graduate Student Engineer of the Month by the College of Engineering and Applied Science.


UC student inspired by his father to become an engineer

September 5, 2023

Varad Maitra grew up in a small town in India where he watched his father work as an engineer. Seeing large machinery like tractors and trucks being built began his passion for manufacturing, higher education and the belief in hard work. Now a doctoral student at the University of Cincinnati, Maitra demonstrates this hard work in the classroom, the lab and with fellow students. He was named Graduate Student Engineer of the Month by UC's College of Engineering and Applied Science.


UC engineer makes an impact with nanomaterials

May 31, 2023

University of Cincinnati doctoral student Vamsi Krishna Reddy Kondapalli has studied nanomaterials, specifically graphene, since he was an undergraduate student at a university in India. He chose UC for his graduate degrees due to the state-of-the-art facilities and the support for innovation. Kondapalli was named Graduate Student Engineer of the Month from UC's College of Engineering and Applied Science.


‘Everything is made out of something’

July 5, 2023

Ashley Paz y Puente is an assistant professor of materials engineering at the University of Cincinnati College of Engineering and Applied Science. Supported by the prestigious National Science Foundation CAREER grant she was awarded in 2022, Paz y Puente is researching how to create stronger and lighter weight materials that could be applied to almost everything we use in our daily lives. She is seeking to better understand the Kirkendall effect in the process of diffusion.