11806 Results

Ancient Maya faced bane of urban sprawl, too

October 27, 2022

The ancient Maya’s Calakmul once was the biggest city in the Americas, full of apartment complexes, temples and shrines stretching across an area the size of Washington, D.C. New mapping tools are giving an international team of scientists their first complete look at the scale and complexity of the enormous metropolis hidden beneath centuries of rainforest.


How to spot a fake

December 6, 2022

University of Cincinnati chemists, geologists and art historians are collaborating to help area art museums answer questions about masterpieces and detect fakes — and teaching students about their methods.


How to make the faculty job search less discouraging

May 5, 2023

Postdoctoral researchers often get little useful feedback about ways to improve their job applications for faculty positions. So a University of Cincinnati anthropologist set up a pilot program that invited postdoctoral researchers to review each others’ application documents.


How to track animal of legend? Look to the poop

July 18, 2023

A team of researchers led by the University of Cincinnati applied isotopic analysis to jaguar scat to investigate the habitat needs of the big cats in the Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Preserve of Belize in Central America. The study demonstrates a novel and noninvasive technique for identifying the landscape use and conservation needs of elusive wildlife.


Vox: How fake AI images can expand your mind

March 31, 2023

Seeing is believing, to the mind. In a Vox article on the impact of AI-generated imagery, UC's Tony Chemero, a philosopher and cognitive scientist, is cited as saying that technology has the potential to expand the mind. The article comes at a time when leading tech influencers are asking for a pause on the development of AI.