6304 Results

NYT: UC grad was 'beloved professor with historic past'

November 22, 2021

The New York Times publishes a news obituary for Justus Rosenberg, a member of the French resistance who helped artists and intellectuals flee the Germans during World War II. After the war, he earned a doctorate at the University of Cincinnati and taught literature.


Psychology Today: Why Do People With Anxiety Love Halloween?

November 1, 2022

UC Department of English faculty Gary Vaughn cited as an expert in Psychology Today for an article on why people with anxiety love Halloween. The article gives seven reasons for this theory, with Vaughn speaking to modern horror stories.


Cincinnati Magazine: Write here, write now

August 11, 2023

UC is a base for two well known literary publications: Cincinnati Review and Short Vine. Both are featured in an article in Cincinnati Magazine highlighting the impact local publications make in the literary world.


March is a month associated with both good and bad luck

March 20, 2023

The month of March holds space for both St. Patrick's Day and The Ides of March. These two events are associated with both good and bad luck, as explained by Rebecca Borah who researches popular culture and the traditions associated with myths, legends, lore and truths.