3666 Results

Earth Day is every day for UC sustainability stewards

April 21, 2022

With national Earth Day celebrated on April 22, events across all four campuses are bringing the awareness of UC's green energy initiatives and the improved built environment to light. While Earth Day was created in 1970, today a growing group of sustainability stewards all across UC continue to carry out the original Earth Day mission: from awareness to action.


Remotely possible

When did the COVID-19 pandemic first make an impact on your life? March 10? That was the day the University of Cincinnati decided to change something it has excelled at for 200 years. Teaching. Educating. That day UC announced that all lectures in classrooms, experiments in labs or designing in studios would be suspended. Students started what was expected to be just an extended spring break, but then 12 days later all courses had gone virtual to protect the university community and stop the virus’s spread.


UC hosts cybersecurity training exercise

July 21, 2022

To prepare the state of Ohio to counter growing cybersecurity threats, the Ohio Cyber Range Institute at the University of Cincinnati hosted a four-day training exercise.