7819 Results

Vox: How fake AI images can expand your mind

March 31, 2023

Seeing is believing, to the mind. In a Vox article on the impact of AI-generated imagery, UC's Tony Chemero, a philosopher and cognitive scientist, is cited as saying that technology has the potential to expand the mind. The article comes at a time when leading tech influencers are asking for a pause on the development of AI.


The New York Times: Third Black-owned company emerges as suitor for BET

March 14, 2023

An overall decline in television viewership can be attributed to new technologies such as streaming services, but Black Entertainment Television has been feeling the decline more pointedly after legislation from the 1990s, UC's Jeffrey Blevins, a professor of journalism, tells The New York Times.


What you post on social media matters to employers

February 15, 2023

What you post on social media can be in conflict with your employers standards, says UC social media expert Jeffrey Blevins. More and more often people are getting dinged, or worse, for posts that put their employers in a bad light. Blevins suggests a social media review/edit of content and more thought put into posts.