4821 Results

Getting under your skin for better health

January 20, 2023

Biomedical engineers at the University of Cincinnati say interstitial fluid, the watery fluid found between and around cells, tissues or organs in the body, could provide an excellent medium for early disease diagnosis or long-term health monitoring.


UC research seeks to protect athletes from brain injuries

December 1, 2022

Former football players worry about the effects of concussions suffered during their playing careers and hope research from the University of Cincinnati will help them and future generations avoid the worst consequences of brain injuries. UC’s Office of Research hosted a panel discussion in the Flashpoint Series, “Brain Injuries in Sports: How we can help our athletes,” which addressed the effects of brain injuries and how research aims to develop solutions to protect athletes.


President picks exceptional talent

April 28, 2021

The University of Cincinnati 2021 Presidential Leadership Medal of Excellence Awards honor six undergraduate scholars for scholarship, leadership, character, service and the ideals of the university. Awardees are spotlighted for exceptional academics, creativity, community service and innovation.


UC smartphone lab delivers test results in 'spit' second

February 6, 2020

University of Cincinnati engineers have created a portable lab that plugs into a smartphone that can test for diseases such as malaria or track hormones related to stress and anxiety. The device could improve mobile healthcare.


Engineering professor develops on-demand drug delivery

July 28, 2021

Yoonjee Park, assistant professor of chemical engineering at University of Cincinnati's College of Engineering and Applied Science, developed a biodegradable drug delivery device that is activated by light, which would allow for on-demand dosing and fewer side effects for treatment of posterior eye diseases. With recent funding awards from the National Institute of Health and a Young Investigator Award from Ohio Lions Eye Research Foundation, Park and her research team are testing the safety and efficacy of the device. In 2019, she also participated in UC’s Venture Lab business pre-accelerator.