334 Results

Maximize your workforce by employing UC co-op students

December 22, 2022

There’s a lot of talk about labor shortages these days. Businesses that think strategically beyond standard hiring practices are winning in the workforce competition by employing high-impact talent from an unlikely place: college classrooms.


Three reasons why you should be using UC's Makerspace in 2023

January 6, 2023

From cutting boards to high-tech prototypes, transforming ideas into the physical world is at your fingertips. Hands-on learning, problem-solving and creative experimentation to materialize a tangible item is available at University of Cincinnati Ground Floor Makerspace.


Successful executives share their early career mistakes

January 20, 2023

Embracing mistakes and using the knowledge and experiences gained as steppingstones can help individuals improve and make progress on the path to success. University of Cincinnati corporate partners reveal some early lessons that helped them develop a growth mindset to make better decisions.


Don't steal my idea

January 12, 2023

Eureka moments in the laboratory or design studio are often the result of months or years of work. Making sure you protect the fruits of your prolonged labors helps maintain your reputation as a researcher or innovator while protecting your future earnings.