4939 Results

Human Faces of Climate Change Film and lecture series

January 10, 2020

The UC Clermont College Sustainability Committee presents the Human Faces of Climate Change lecture on Wednesday, Feb. 12 from 12:30–1:30 p.m. in the Snyder Building, Room 142. The lecture will be given by University of Cincinnati employee Dr. Michael Roman, a former Kiribati Peace Corps volunteer, Fulbright Fellow and author of two upcoming books —American Asylee and When There Was No Money. Roman has spoken worldwide about the human faces of climate change for the past 19 years. His goal is to raise global consciousness about our planet’s climate crisis from the frontlines.


Despite social distancing, UC Medical students celebrate a Match

March 20, 2020

Social media has sometimes been seen as the culprit of social isolation.  But in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, it’s allowing medical students at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine to stay connected as they celebrate Match Day with friends and loved ones, albeit with proper social distancing.