AABB 2023 technical manual features Hoxworth Blood Center leaders
AABB, an international, not-for-profit Association representing individuals and institutions involved in the fields of transfusion medicine and biotherapies, released the 2023 Technical Manual, a resource that provides valuable content to blood bank industry personnel, featuring two Hoxworth Blood Center, University of Cincinnati leaders.
The new AABB Technical Manual was released this month with two Hoxworth Blood Center writers: Jennifer O'Connor covers identifying antibodies to red cell antigens and Caroline Alquist, MD, PhD, discusses transfusion-service activities in this 21st edition (70th year anniversary edition) of AABB’s most popular book.
“It was an honor to be selected to coauthor the antibody identification chapter of the Technical Manual and have the opportunity to contribute to the field while working with the editors who are all world-renowned blood bank experts,” said Jennifer O’Connor, Division Director of Laboratories, Hoxworth Blood Center.
The Technical Manual is a must-have resource for healthcare professionals and students working in blood banking and transfusion medicine throughout the world. In fact, it has been adopted by all branches of the United States Armed Services as their official manuals for blood banking and transfusion medicine activities.
“This was my second time contributing to the Technical Manual (20th and 21st edition),” explains Caroline Alquist, MD, PhD, Chief Transplant-Services Officer, Hoxworth Blood Center. “It was a wonderful opportunity to work with AABB and my co-author, Dr. Ipe, on the update of this transfusion service activities chapter.”
About Hoxworth:
Hoxworth Blood Center, University of Cincinnati, was founded in 1938, and serves more than 30 hospitals in 18 counties in Southwestern Ohio, Northern Kentucky and Southeastern Indiana. Annually, Hoxworth collects more than 100,000 units of blood from local donors to help save the lives of patients in area hospitals. Hoxworth Blood Center: Saving Lives Close to Home.
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