3783 Results

New York Times spotlights East Coast premiere of 'Blind Injustice'

February 23, 2024

The New York Times recently featured the East Coast premiere of "Blind Injustice," an opera based on true exonerations achieved by the Ohio Innocence Project. The production opened on Feb. 16 , 2024, at Peak Performances at Montclair State University. Premiered in 2019 at Cincinnati Opera, the opera was first workshopped through Opera Fusion: New Works (OF:NW), a collaboration between Cincinnati Opera and UC College-Conservatory of Music.


Connecticut Public Radio: A look at how 2024 was imagined

January 29, 2024

The time is 2024 and society as we know it is breaking down. This was the prediction of Octavia E. Butler (1947–2006). is her 1993 fiction novel: "The Parable of the Sower." UC speculative fiction expert Cassandra Jones joined a panel of speculative fiction experts to talk about Butler's book and the similarities to today.