2739 Results

Personal touches convinced incoming student to attend UC

April 26, 2021

This “where-are-they-now” series of stories is designed to catch up with the newly admitted students who were lucky enough to be part of UC’s first Decision Day surprise to find out how their life has gone since UC literally showed up on their doorstep with news that they had been admitted.


Civil engineering student awarded for leadership by national group

August 4, 2021

Autumn Maher, a University of Cincinnati civil engineering student who will graduate in 2022, was one of just a few students nationwide selected for the 2021 Student Leadership Award from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), for her leadership and dedication to the UC student chapter. Maher is president of UC's student chapter and has interned at Marathon Petroleum.


A&S undergrad lands opportunity for hands-on research experience

January 6, 2021

For Arts and Science students at the University Cincinnati, there are no shortage of ways to get involved with their major and classes. Many students spend much of their first few years searching for enriching opportunities to help them explore their passions and help them prepare for a career after college. For biology major Ariana Berrios, she didn’t have to look for long. 


Co-op leads to full-time job for civil engineering student

January 15, 2021

Tanner Alley, civil engineering student, landed a full-time job thanks to his experience in the University of Cincinnati cooperative education program that is integrated into the engineering undergraduate curriculum. Alley was named Undergraduate Engineer of the Month by the UC College of Engineering and Applied Science.


UC student uses zebrafish to study spinal deformities

January 21, 2021

Oriana Zinani, a doctoral student in molecular developmental biology at the University of Cincinnati, is part of a team of researchers using zebrafish embryos to study a gene mutation that causes scoliosis, a sideways curvature of the spine that typically occurs in humans just before puberty.


A new combination for cancer treatment

January 22, 2021

Researchers at the University of Cincinnati have tested a new combination therapy in head and neck cancer animal models to see if they could find a way to make an already effective treatment even better.


When push comes to shove, what is a fight?

January 25, 2021

University of Cincinnati biologists come up with novel way for deciding how to categorize similar animal behaviors. The results could help streamline animal behavior research.