6546 Results

Reader’s Digest: What is white replacement theory?

June 1, 2022

White replacement theory is a subject that became of popular interest after the Buffalo mass shootings in May 2022. UC social media expert speaks to the ways in which even dark topics are monitored, or rather not monitored, on the internet.


NatGeo: Do spiders dream?

August 9, 2022

National Geographic turns to UC associate professor Nathan Morehouse to explain why spiders might have visual dreams.


Vox: How fake AI images can expand your mind

March 31, 2023

Seeing is believing, to the mind. In a Vox article on the impact of AI-generated imagery, UC's Tony Chemero, a philosopher and cognitive scientist, is cited as saying that technology has the potential to expand the mind. The article comes at a time when leading tech influencers are asking for a pause on the development of AI.