2489 Results

Forbes: Kroger-UC connection shows how industry can access talent

December 5, 2019

Among the four strategies described in the Forbes piece as critical to building adaptive workforces, it lists "Industry-Academic Collaborations to Develop Needed Talent," pointing to the University of Cincinnati-Kroger partnership at UC's 1819 Innovation Hub as a successful example.


Hillman relocates to UC’s 1819 Innovation Hub

February 12, 2020

Hillman is a nationally recognized startup accelerator that serves underrepresented, tech-driven startups through mentorship, specialized curriculum, partnerships and capital investments, providing them the resources and guidance they need to scale.


Fox19: 'Chemobrain' and music

August 20, 2020

Claudia Rebola, PhD, discusses how a team at UC designed an app to study whether or not music can help combat chemobrain in patients with cancer.