College Matters. Alma Matters: UC grad and UC faculty featured on podcast

College Matters. Alma Matters is a podcast for high schoolers interested in college that chronicles personal experiences of alumni, faculty, admissions and counselors about college life and preparation.

On a Sept. 18, 2023, the podcast featured molecular geneticist Dr. Anil Menon, associate dean of undergraduate education and director of the undergraduate program in biomedical sciences in the UC College of Medicine. Menon recalls his early fascination with the periodic table and his academic career path, which includes earning his doctoral degree at the UC College of Medicine and returning to teach here. Listen to the episode.

On Aug. 27, 2023, the podcast featured Prateek Raj, a recent graduate of UC’s School of Public and International Affairs. Raj tells of his experiences as an international student coming to the U.S. with the intent of earning a degree in journalism, and changing his academic path to suit his evolving interests. Listen to that episode.

Featured image at top: Soundtrap on Unsplash

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