5296 Results

Thrift Fashions Make Cents for Students and Community

March 15, 2004

A penny saved earned applause for UC fashion sophomores who made highly creative garments from low-cost, thrift-store bargains. About 60 students previewed their garments yesterday, and they ll model them again at a fall fashion show for the community.


An Educational Odyssey: Troy Goes Virtual Thanks to UC Architect

April 4, 2004

Hollywood s May release of Troy will, no doubt, hype the romance to be found in the Homeric epic, the Illiad. But the compelling reality of Troy has been enough to grip University of Cincinnati researchers, one of whom will be building a digital Troy, funded by a just-received National Endowment for the Humanities grant for $182,000 outright with the possibility of receiving an additional $7,500 from the NEH if a matching $7,500 grant can be found.


PROFILE: Happy Accidents Chart His Planning Career

April 5, 2004

UC employee and student Cory Thomas has traveled the globe as a Master s of Community Planning student. Ironically, he didn t actually plan on his new academic course. It just happened by accident.


For Fashion Students On Deadline, Life Is One Clothes Call After Another

May 24, 2004

Fingers are flying in the fashion design studios at the University of Cincinnati. The most public of final exams a professionally produced runway fashion show is coming up June 11. That means about 100 UC fashion students from sophomores to seniors are cutting patterns, knitting materials, sewing garments and fitting models in order to sew up the show in time.


Young Artists Abroad for the Summer

May 26, 2004

Seven UC students will have the art of traveling down to a science by summer s end. That s when a select group of young artists will return after a summer spent photographing Paris, painting in Prague and picking up the threads of fiber-art methods in Japan.


Lest We Forget: Unforgettable Images Speak for Those Fallen

May 27, 2004

Before there was Omaha Beach and Iwo Jima, there was Verdun, the Somme and Ypres. They were World War I meat grinders that introduced the world to immolation by flame thrower and the killing waft of gas asphyxiants. That war s shredding of men and disfigurement of landscapes lives on still, as evidenced by a new book of haunting photos by a University of Cincinnati fine artist.


Peace Corps Welcomes UC to Its Fellows/USA Program

June 2, 2004

The University of Cincinnati's School of Planning recently became a participant in a Peace Corps program that provides students with financial benefits for graduate studies along with degree-related service internships in at-risk U.S. communities. UC graduate planning students will work in disadvantaged Cincinnati neighborhoods.