3398 Results

CCM doctoral student appointed as May Festival Conducting Fellow

September 13, 2023

The Cincinnati May Festival has announced the appointment of Sergey Tkachenko, a first-year DMA student in CCM’s renowned choral conducting program, as its Conducting Fellow for the 2023-24 season. Tkachenko, who will serve as the assistant conductor for the May Festival Chorus this year, recently completed his master’s degree at the Indiana University (IU) Jacobs School of Music.


UC researcher gets more than $1M to diversify nursing workforce

September 5, 2023

With funding from two grants, Ann Gakumo, PhD, who serves as the University of Cincinnati College of Nursing’s associate dean for inclusion and community impact, will drive forward efforts that recruit and support racially and ethnically diverse undergraduate nursing students at UC and build a learning collaborative that promotes anti-racist academic environments at sites across the country.