Fox 19: Oct. 29 is World Stroke Day

The University of Cincinnati's Stacie Demel and patient Tammy Unger joined Fox 19 to discuss stroke risk factors and warning signs ahead of World Stroke Day, Oct. 29.

"There are common risk factors," said Demel, a physician-researcher at the UC Gardner Neuroscience Institute and associate professor of clinical neurology and rehabilitation medicine in UC’s College of Medicine. "Not everyone has them, but make sure you’re seeing a primary care doctor, if you have high blood pressure it's being treated, high cholesterol, diabetes, those are all common risk factors for stroke.

"If you have any sudden change in a neurological condition, like speaking, walking, dizziness, vision, get to the hospital quickly, because you can only get treated in a short period of time," Demel continued. "We can help a lot of people if we can get you to the hospital soon enough and get you treated."

Unger said she had run six miles the same day she had six different strokes, highlighting the importance for everyone to know the warning signs of a stroke regardless of their personal risk factors.

"Just because you have no high blood pressure, no cholesterol issues and that you’re active, it doesn’t mean you can’t have a stroke," she said.

Watch the Fox 19 segment.

Featured photo at top of UC Health's mobile stroke unit courtesy of UC Health.

Remember how to identify a stroke

Because of the quick onset of stroke, it is important to know the FAST mnemonic device that details the most common signs of stroke and how to respond:

  • F: Facial drooping
  • A: Arm or leg drop, or weakness in the arm or leg
  • S: Speech issues, such as slurred speech or an inability to get your words out
  • T: Time is of the essence; call 911 immediately


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