Alumni Speaker Series highlights 'rock of truth'
Sigma Sigma members, Lindner and UC alumni gather for annual event
The Lindner Alumni Council (LAC) partnered with Sigma Sigma men's honorary to welcome students, Lindner and University of Cincinnati alumni, and other guests to Carl H. Lindner Hall on Nov. 2 for the LAC's annual Alumni Speaker Series program.
The evening’s keynote panel featured three distinguished Lindner and UC alums:
- Danielle Lewis Jones, Bus ’11, head of communications, Kroger Health
- Robert Richardson Jr., CEAS ’02, Law ’05, co-founder/CEO, Disrupt Art and founder, Disruption Now Media
- Richard “Dick” Thornburgh, Bus ’79, Hon ’09, non-executive board chairman, S&P Global Inc.
The panel was moderated by LAC President Edita Dolan-Mayo, Bus ’04, and former LAC President Cory Sims, Bus ’11. Dolan-Mayo and Sims opened the event by explaining LAC’s mission of bringing Lindner alumni together and amplifying the alumni experience through engagement and recognition opportunities.
Sigma Sigma alumnus Chris Dalambakis, A&S ’83, looks on during the Alumni Speaker Series panel discussion.
Inspired by the UC Alma Mater, the theme of this year’s speaker series was the “rock of truth.” A physical rock of truth will be installed next to Lindner Hall on Sigma Sigma Commons in 2024. Jones, Richardson and Thornburgh began the program by sharing insights on truth in professional and personal settings.
“I think it's important to always have the self-confidence to walk into any room and for you to always have your voice and for you to be able to use that voice,” Jones said. “I believe that if you’ve been invited to have a seat at the table, then you need to also speak up while you're at the table, regardless of if everyone who’s sitting around you agrees with you or not. You've been given that opportunity for a reason, and it's up to you to use it.”
Dolan-Mayo probed the panelists on navigating change as they ascend in their careers.
LAC President Edita Dolan-Mayo, Bus ’04 (right), and former LAC President Cory Sims, Bus ’11, emceed the panel discussion.
“Your views will change over time,” Thornburgh said. “I doubt your values will, but if you’re a growing person, your views will hopefully change for the better.”
Questions from the audience included topics of leadership, artificial intelligence and using research in a professional setting.
“In a professional context, it's important for you to understand the other person's point of view. That doesn’t mean agreement; that means understanding,” Richardson said. “If your goal is to actually find the way forward, you have to first seek to understand the other position.”
LAC will next present the 2024 Cincinnati Business Achievement Awards (CBAAs) on March 7, 2024. The Greater Cincinnati area’s longest-running event that honors business achievement and community service, the CBAAs also raise funds for scholarships and financial assistance for undergraduate and graduate students.
Featured image at top: Left to right: Cory Sims, Bus ’11; LAC President Edita Dolan-Mayo, Bus ’04; Robert Richardson Jr., CEAS ’02, Law ’05; Danielle Lewis Jones, Bus ’11; and Richard “Dick” Thornburgh, Bus ’79, Hon ’09. Photos/Joseph Fuqua II.
Stay involved with Lindner
The Lindner Alumni Council (LAC) represents more than 46,000 Lindner graduates around the globe by connecting alumni through engagement and recognition opportunities. Join the community today, and stay tuned for additional information on the 2024 Cincinnati Business Achievement Awards, slated for March 7, 2024, at Cincinnati Music Hall!
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