3556 Results

Engineering students help track pandemic in Ohio

January 10, 2024

The University of Cincinnati has led a three-year project to monitor COVID-19 in wastewater for the Ohio Department of Health. The surveillance project has helped health officials make early interventions to prevent sick students from spreading the virus across campus.


UC engineer explores more efficient propulsion for aircraft

January 4, 2024

University of Cincinnati aerospace engineering doctoral student Saugat Ghimire was fascinated by planes his entire life. At UC, he has been involved in teaching and research, on-campus activities such as serving as the president of the Nepalese Student Association and the vice president of the Aerospace Engineering Graduate Student Government. He was named Graduate Student Engineer of the Month by the College of Engineering and Applied Science.


Alaska Airlines hires its first UC engineering co-op student

October 26, 2023

For University of Cincinnati aerospace engineering student Madison Byrd, her final co-op rotation was noteworthy for more than one reason. Byrd's co-op with Alaska Airlines marked both her final rotation as an undergraduate student and the first UC student to work for the West Coast airline.


UC student and twin brother model for Gucci – again!

February 27, 2023

UC engineering student Jake Bartel has his sights set on earning a computer science degree and becoming a fashion model, along with his twin brother Nate. In 2022, the twins were first selected to walk the runway in the Gucci fashion show in Milan, Italy and then asked back to model for the fashion house's 2023 advertising campaign. The brothers were discovered by talent scouts at the annual Twins reunion in Twinsburg, Ohio, which is also their hometown.


Engineering student works to ensure responsible use of AI

February 28, 2023

University of Cincinnati aerospace engineering doctoral student Lynn Pickering is using Fuzzy Logic to create an artificial intelligence structure that is fair, usable, and understandable for humans. This is called Explainable Artificial Intelligence. Pickering is a recipient of the Fulbright Ghent University Award and was named Graduate Student Engineer of the Month by UC’s College of Engineering and Applied Science.


What it's like doing an out-of-state co-op

March 6, 2024

Hyojung Kim, University of Cincinnati chemical engineering student, spent a semester on co-op in Idaho Falls working at the Idaho National Laboratory. UC's co-op program is ranked top five in the nation. For this rotation, Kim had to relocate. This piece shares what it is like to work on co-op out of state.


AtriCure is top co-op employer for UC biomedical engineering students

April 3, 2024

As one of the largest co-op employers in the region and a leading provider of innovative technologies for the treatment of Atrial Fibrillation and other related conditions, AtriCure, Inc. is also one of the largest co-op employers for students at the University of Cincinnati. In fact, they are the number one co-op employer for biomedical engineering students at the College of Engineering and Applied Science. Co-op is integrated into all CEAS undergraduate programs, enabling students to alternate semesters in the classroom with semesters of full-time, paid, co-op work.


UC expands popular STEM program across Ohio

March 28, 2024

UC's popular Biology Meets Engineering program introduces high school students to STEM. Now, the National Science Foundation is paying UC to bring the program to three other Ohio universities.