6304 Results

CNN: Fossil could help solve evolutionary mystery

November 6, 2023

UC Associate Professor Takuya Konishi helps CNN explain the significance of a newly discovered species of mosasaur in North Dakota. The ancient and enormous marine reptiles were the apex predators of the oceans for millions of years.


Forbes: When did mammoths go extinct?

January 24, 2023

UC paleontologist Joshua Miller tells Forbes that environmental DNA can persist for centuries or even millennia, making it unreliable as a barometer for dating extinction events.


BBC: Scientists discover frog that can't croak

February 6, 2023

The BBC and other international media report on the astonishing discovery of a new species of frog in Tanzania that is voiceless. UC biologist Lucinda Lawson and her research partners describe the new species in the journal PLOS ONE.