8582 Results

Researchers Use Puppets To Teach Toddlers

October 5, 2006

UC environmental health researchers will use 15-foot-tall puppets to educate nearly 500 young children and their families about air pollution at the 5th Annual Cincinnati Childhood Allergy and Air Pollution Study family picnic.


UC Physician Publishes Sports Dermatology Book

October 6, 2006

Everyone knows that sports cause injuries, but what about skin problems? There are plenty of them, according to UC dermatologist Brian Adams, MD, who has just published a book on the subject.


Children of Allergy Sufferers Prone to Same Problem

October 9, 2006

Infants whose parents have allergies that produce symptoms like wheezing, asthma, hay fever or hives risk developing allergic sensitization much earlier in life than previously reported, according to a study by Cincinnati researchers.


UC Scientist Awarded Grant to Create '4-D' Camera

October 11, 2006

UC physiologist Jay Hove, PhD, has been awarded a four-year, $1.53 million grant from the National Center for Research Resources of the National Institutes of Health to create a tool, a laser-illuminated 4-D camera, that he hopes will provide scientists with a better way to study cell and fluid movement in three dimensions plus the fourth D real time.


Recurrent Thyroid Cancer Best Detected by Ultrasound

October 14, 2006

Ultrasound tests performed in a doctor s office may be more sensitive in detecting recurrence of the two most common types of thyroid cancer than the standard whole-body radioiodine scans and serum thyroglobulin tests, according to researchers at the University of Cincinnati (UC).