4100 Results

Breaking barriers: the CSO/CCM Diversity Fellowship program

March 9, 2020

The CSO/CCM Diversity Fellowship program provides an immersion into the professional world they all aspire to and the chance to be mentored by some of the best string players in the country. This extraordinary opportunity, funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, is also about removing the barriers that have previously prevented amazing musicians such as the current class of Diversity Fellows from achieving their dreams. Launched in 2015, the program has accepted four classes of Fellows and will welcome a fifth class in fall 2020.


UC builds better test of animal vision

March 12, 2020

UC biologists created a simple color vision test for animals using a modified liquid crystal display and light-emitting diodes. They can tell if animals such as fiddler crabs can distinguish different hues.


UC students provide job coaching for people in recovery

March 13, 2020

University of Cincinnati students are providing job coaching to job-seekers in recovery at Cincinnati's Center for Addiction Treatment as part of a new service-learning project. The students learned through surveys they developed that the residents' biggest priority was returning to the workforce. They developed a curriculum for writing resumes, searching for jobs and filling out applications and put their plan into practice with one-on-one counseling sessions.