4594 Results

UC Engineering Researchers Find Mercury In Cicadas

May 26, 2004

While adventurous gourmands are tempted by the once-in-17-year opportunity to chow down on Brood X cicadas, University of Cincinnati researchers caution that unhealthy levels of mercury may pose a health risk.


PROFILE: Mother of Eight and Grandmother of Twenty Uproots Routine for Education

June 14, 2004

When her youngest daughter started at UC in 1997, Micki Bigner, 64, of White Oak, wasn t exactly green with envy, but she still felt the twinge that she d never completed college herself, having left school almost 40 years ago to get married and raise a family. Finally, Micki decided to stem her doubts and pluck up her courage. One day, she says, I saw a Help Wanted sign, and the car just turned itself into the White Oak Garden Center, and Micki, then aged 57, found herself with her first paying job ever and on the road to a horticulture degree at UC.


Eckart To Become Engineering's Interim Dean

July 6, 2004

Anthony J. Perzigian, Senior Vice President and Provost, has announced the appointment of Roy Eckart, Senior Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies, as Interim Dean of the College of Engineering beginning Sept. 1.


Ohioans Breathe Easier, Thanks to DOE Research Grant

July 22, 2004

This week, UC's College of Engineering received a grant that will have Ohioans breathing easier. The grant, from the U.S. Department of Energy, aids research that holds the promise of cleaner air, more abundant jobs and more efficient power sources