7129 Results

What you post on social media matters to employers

February 15, 2023

What you post on social media can be in conflict with your employers standards, says UC social media expert Jeffrey Blevins. More and more often people are getting dinged, or worse, for posts that put their employers in a bad light. Blevins suggests a social media review/edit of content and more thought put into posts.


Washington Post: The rise of AI fake news

December 19, 2023

The rise in AI generated fake news content is concerning, especially leading up to the 2024 presidential election. For now, there are still ways to identify fake news outlets and reporting, but the average reader needs to become more savvy, says UC's social media expert Jeffrey Blevins.


USA TODAY: Fact check: Identical injured dog posts are a viral scam

October 21, 2022

UC social media expert cited in USA Today explains how social media posts can be replicated to see who might be vulnerable to sad stories such as a dog getting hit by a car. Use caution and verify posts through outside sources, says Jeffery Blevins, professor and head of UC's Department of Journalism.


Grass Roots Health: How social media has changed us

May 19, 2023

Since the onset of social media, what has changed in the way people communicate? What factors are there to consider now that employers and other agencies can search your posts? These are the topics that UC social media expert Jeffrey Blevins, PhD, discusses on the podcast: How has social media changed us?