2490 Results

UC partnership helps prepare for the 'silver tsunami'

December 4, 2019

UC College of Nursing students train on the latest telehealth technology at Maple Knoll Village in Springdale. The partnership between UC and Maple Knoll was recently recognized by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing.


Forbes: Kroger-UC connection shows how industry can access talent

December 5, 2019

Among the four strategies described in the Forbes piece as critical to building adaptive workforces, it lists "Industry-Academic Collaborations to Develop Needed Talent," pointing to the University of Cincinnati-Kroger partnership at UC's 1819 Innovation Hub as a successful example.


UC research looks at side effects for pediatric medications

December 10, 2019

University of Cincinnati researchers published a study in the Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry looking at side effects that impact children and adolescents being treated for anxiety disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).