USA Today: Acupuncture is used to treat many conditions. Is weight loss one?

UC expert says acupuncture alone won't help melt pounds away

People attempting to lose weight try a wide variety of methods, from various diets to supplements and exercise programs. But what about acupuncture? Acupuncture is a treatment rooted in Chinese medicine that entails a practitioner inserting fine needles into the skin to induce a therapeutic effect.

USA Today published a story on using acupuncture as a weight loss strategy, interviewing Derek Johnson, MEd, a licensed acupuncturist at the Osther Center for Integrative Health in the UC College of Medicine.

Acupuncture won’t directly cause you to lose weight, according to Johnson. “In my experience and to my knowledge, acupuncture isn’t going to be the magic bullet for weight loss,” he says. However, Johnson explains it can play a very significant role in weight loss through an indirect approach. He says that this is because acupuncture can improve metabolism, reduce cravings and mitigate stressors on the body that affect one’s appetite. He adds that acupuncture can also improve gastrointestinal issues.

Derek Johnson Integrative Medicine in White Coat

Derek Johnson, MEd, of the Osher Center for Integrative Health at the UC College of Medicine/Colleen Kelley/UC Marketing + Brand

Studies suggest that acupuncture may help people lose weight. But, according to Healthline, research is inconclusive because there isn’t certainty on whether a client’s weight loss stems from the acupuncture treatment or their positive attitude that leads them to make healthy choices.

This positive attitude is something that Johnson stresses. “Acupuncture is only so strong,” he says. “It’s not going to make somebody who doesn’t want to do something all of a sudden do it.”

He explains that to see long-term changes in weight loss you need to commit to lifestyle changes. This includes changes in diet and exercise. Your acupuncturist can help you create a holistic treatment strategy that integrates lifestyle changes with acupuncture.

If you're having trouble committing to these lifestyle changes, acupuncture may also help with that. “If it’s one of those people whose kind of on the edge of it, they’re really wanting to, they’re trying but they’re having these roadblocks,” says Johnson, “that is a great candidate [for acupuncture].”

Read the entire article here.  

Lead photo/miljko/iStock

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